When it comes to borrowing money in Malaysia, two commonly used documents are the facility agreement and the loan agreement. Both of these documents are legal contracts that outline the terms and conditions of a loan, but there are some important differences between them.

Facility Agreement

A facility agreement is a type of loan agreement that is typically used for larger, more complex loans. The purpose of a facility agreement is to provide a borrower with access to a line of credit, which can be drawn upon as needed, up to a certain limit.

Unlike a traditional loan agreement, a facility agreement sets out the terms of the credit facility, rather than the actual loan itself. This means that the borrower is not required to take the full amount of the loan upfront, but can draw down funds as needed.

Facility agreements are often used by businesses and other organizations that need access to flexible financing for large projects, capital improvements, or ongoing operations.

Loan Agreement

A loan agreement is a more straightforward type of contract that outlines the terms and conditions of a specific loan. Unlike a facility agreement, a loan agreement is structured around a fixed amount of money that is borrowed upfront and repaid over a set period of time.

Loan agreements are commonly used for personal loans, car loans, and other small to medium-sized loans. They can also be used by businesses for short-term financing, such as to cover a temporary cash flow shortfall.

Key Differences

While both facility and loan agreements are used to document borrowing arrangements, there are some important differences between them.

The primary difference between the two is that a facility agreement provides access to a line of credit, while a loan agreement provides a fixed amount of funds upfront. This means that a facility agreement is more flexible, as the borrower can draw down funds as needed, while a loan agreement is more rigid, as the borrower must take the full amount of the loan upfront.

Additionally, facility agreements tend to be more complex than loan agreements, as they can involve multiple types of borrowing, such as revolving credit, term loans, and overdraft facilities. Loan agreements, on the other hand, are generally simpler documents that outline the repayment terms for a single loan.


When borrowing money in Malaysia, it`s important to understand the differences between facility agreements and loan agreements. While both documents are used to document borrowing arrangements, they have different structures and are used for different purposes. By understanding the key differences between the two, borrowers can choose the right type of contract for their particular needs.