Agreements are vital in our daily lives, and they serve as a way of ensuring that parties to an arrangement uphold their end of the deal. However, not all agreements are enforceable by law, and it is essential to know which ones are void or unenforceable. This article will focus on examples of agreements that are not enforceable by law.

Firstly, agreements made under duress are not enforceable by law. Duress is a form of coercion or force that compels an individual to enter into an agreement against their will. This could be in the form of physical violence, intimidation, or threats of harm. Any agreement made under duress is void and cannot be enforced by law.

Secondly, agreements made under undue influence are not enforceable by law. Undue influence is another form of coercion where an individual takes advantage of their position of power to influence another person`s decision-making process. This could be in the form of a person in a position of trust, such as a lawyer or financial advisor, pressuring a vulnerable individual to enter into an agreement that is not favorable to them. Any agreement made under undue influence is void and cannot be enforced by law.

Thirdly, agreements that are contrary to public policy are not enforceable by law. Public policy refers to the fundamental principles and ideals that a society upholds. Any agreement that goes against public policy is considered void. For example, an agreement to commit a crime, engage in illegal activities, or engage in activities that could harm the general public`s welfare is not enforceable by law.

Fourthly, agreements with minors are not enforceable by law. Minors are individuals under the age of 18 who are considered not to have the capacity to enter into legal agreements. Therefore, any agreement made with a minor is considered void, and it cannot be enforced by law.

In conclusion, while agreements are essential in our daily lives, it is essential to know which ones are enforceable by law and which ones are not. Agreements made under duress or undue influence, agreements that are contrary to public policy, and agreements with minors are some examples of agreements that are not enforceable by law. It is essential to seek legal advice when entering into any agreement to ensure that it is enforceable by law.